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"Father, have one of the servants prepare a meal of two weeks worth. I shall be traveling to Konohagakure. Kiri has been reduced to ashes and I must find out if any of our fellow clan members and the people of Kiri have survived this onslaught of black flames, known as Amaterasu." Rai said, his voice heavy with royalty as he looked from the master dining room window, the view of Kiri turned to rubble did nothing to the boy but bring up thoughts of his fellow brethren though he could hardly care less about the village he was still concerned. Only slightly however.
His father had been in the room, completely oblivious to to the destruction but then again, he was mainly holed up in his room, not to be seen for days on end, only to come out for food and the toilet. He had turned and left the room for about ten minutes but while Rai had that time alone to himself, finding it almost impossible to do so, he walked to the other side of the room to look out the other window from there, having a slightly better view as the manor was perched upon a hilltop. The flames were still burning away but not as fierce as they should have been. It'd been days now since the assault and it was about time that Rai decided to do something.

His father had entered the room, servant at hand as she scurried on into the kitchen to prepare a meal of fruit, veggies and some sandwiches with meat stuffed into them. Delicious, Rai could already taste them all at once, his mouth drooling slightly as he discreetly wiped it away with the sleeve of his blue and gold trimmed blazer. She came out of the kitchen after about an hour of preparation, food and water in a basket and backpack for him to carry with him whilst he traveled to the land of fire.

Hours passed as Rai braced himself, packing clothes and changing into fresh new ones, just out the wash to be exact. He inhaled a large gust of air, the fragrance strong and soothing before exhaling it all back out again; a small smile grew on his face as he ventured forth, leaving the manor and the village behind with nothing but his wits, a map and a shit ton of provisions. Rai's emotionless face scanned his surroundings, the estate and all it's glory with slight debris on it...what a shame. He shook his head and began to flee the country, making way for the Land of Fire.

Days passed, rain poured as Rai walked through mud and water, his clothes stained and beyond repair...there was no chance in hell of reviving these velvety robes...It near enough brought a tear to Rai's eye's as he drooped to his knees and began complaining about life and why it had to be so hard but snapped out of it...despite there being no one around, Rai was still of royal family and knowing his father he would have sent some protection for his son, even if he was going to protest the idea. He got back to his feet, his knees muddied and clothing teared as he continued his walk, pulling out an apple and biting down hard onto it and the juices flying down his throat. Food! Time seem to have had flown by so very fast that Rai didn't know when he had last eaten.

The road was more or less sludge with all this rain pouring down and the forest around him rustled in the wind violently as Rai gripped his floral decorative shawl, due to fly away if not gripped tighter. He sighed and pushed himself to venture on as fast as he could, his provisions diminishing hour by hour. He'd been pigging out cause of the amount of food he had but it only looked like that. There wasn't much in there and Rai had been shoveling it down without a care in the world. This was not his idea of a good day. This was more or less one of his nightmares! Noise, wind, cold rain slicing away at his pearl-like skin; nothing but hate for the world was all that was going through his mind but he had to keep his chin up since he was close to the Land of Fire which meant he was close to Konoha...perfect.

Two days had passed before Rai had successfully entered the Land of Fire, the surroundings a lot more peaceful and tranquil as a messy shark more or less waddled in on through to Konoha, his provisions to null so hunger was taking him over as well as thirst, hardly able to stay awake...sleeping was scarce since the raining discomforted him if he tried to but he had finally made...finally managed to make it to Konohagakure!

Word Count: 826/800

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