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As he walked out of his apartment Ginza could already tell that this was going to be a long day wearing day. He’d gotten up at his normal time, before the birds even began chirping.  showered, had breakfast, and trained for an hour while the sun finally decided to rise. But in the process of this he’d stubbed his toe tripping over a book, run into a door, and nearly fallen down the stairs. It was disgruntling and left him wounded ego, but at least no one had seen how clumsy he had been this morning and he couldn’t feel whatever pain there was. Still. as he was usually so careful about the way that he appeared to others it would have frustrated him if there had anyone to witness what he had been doing.

Still even if the world seemed to be against him today, he wasn’t going to let it get the better of him. He had things to do today. Honestly, they were things that he would prefer not to do, but they were things that he was going to do all the same. It was the right and respectful thing to do, and he made sure to do it every couple of months… even if it wasn’t actually the place that he should do it, since it wasn’t really their graves. Not really. But it worked.

Giving a soft sigh he closed the door to his apartment behind him and began his walk to the flower shop, one hand in one of the pouches on his belt, rolling around a coin in his fingers. It was the money that he’d be using to pay for the flowers that he was going to get. Flowers, that if he remembered correctly had been his mother’s favorites, mixed with a few others that he knew people from the temple he had lived most of his life in would have liked. Really, it always turned into quite a colorful bunch when it was finished by the florist.

He arrived at the florist’s shop just at it was opening, slipping inside and moving up to the front, with his order listed on a sheet of paper as always. He didn’t really feel like speaking that many words in a shop for flowers, why should he? So the florist was one of the people who  thought that he was a mute, but he didn’t mind. It was his usual order that she probably cared about, and the money he spent on them rather than  him as an individual. So, here he was, handing her the note with the order, and the money all at once. They’d done this enough that they both knew exactly what flowers he wanted and how much it was, but he still gave the note. He didn’t want a mistake. Not today.

Once the flowers were ready and placed into his arms, he gave the florist a nod before departing hand heading in the direction of the honored shinobi monument. It was still early in the morning and the village was just waking up, but that was the way that Ginza liked it. Especially when he was going to visit the monument or the cemetery. It was quiet.

And there it was, in front of him,  a pristine white stone tower. He sighed, moving towards it and placing the flowers down ever so gently on it. Before putting his hands together and leaning forwards in a bow. He wasn’t a particularly religious person, but after living in a temple after his parents were killed, he’d picked up some things. He knew when paying respects there were other things that he should do, but at a monument he wasn’t going to do them. He could do those at the shrine that he’d made in his little apartment. So here he was simply saying a prayer in his own mind to those he missed, most of whom he knew didn’t have a grave.

This monument would be their grave from now on, Ginza had decided, when he arrived in Konoha again a few years ago when he had been twenty. It was as good as any, even if they hadn’t all been shinobi. It didn’t matter. This was a place to pay respect. He opened his eyes and straightened up before reaching forward and putting his hand on the smooth stone. He wished he could feel how cool it was beneath his hand, but it didn’t matter. This was fine.

“Rest well, my friends…” He murmured under his breath, and then he was moving away from the monument and to one of the trees surrounding the monument. He’d stay for a while just to think and watch the monument. So he climbed up the tree and proceeded to while away the time from a sturdy branch, watching the monument as people came and went.

WC: 836



Within the dusty walls of the Village Hidden in the Leaves, one girl stood slacked in the age-old Yamanaka-owned flower shop, her flowing pink hair bundled up into a side ponytail that cascaded down behind her left shoulder. Her dainty palms rested on the counter, soft flesh meeting a thin layer of glass hiding several promotions and long-standing partners of the family-owned business. The girl tilted her head to the left and right, subliminally bobbing to the soft pop music playing in the background by upcoming singer-songwriter Yu Sako.

“These should do,” a deep, fruity voice spoke from behind her, and the athletic physique of her sensei stepped up beside her, placing a small bouquet of daisies on the counter. “Six daisies, please,” she said to the clerk, before turning her attention to Serah, the pinkette student to her left, as the clerk went to work on the register. “We’ll head to the Memorial Stone to pay Shiganori’s family a quick tribute.” No other words left the stoic woman’s lips as she fished some ryo out of her vest pocket, sliding three gold coins across the counter and taking the daisies, wrapped delicately in a glossy transparent film, before taking small strides towards the entrance. Serah turned to follow her, her left fingers drumming once more on the counter before they hesitantly broke contact as the girl half-skipped her way, on her sensei’s tail. As the two exited the flowers hop, Mihoko-sensei turned sternly to the girl beside her, regarding her cheerfulness with condescension. “Serah. We are paying tribute to the deceased. It would be appropriate if you restrain some of that enthusiasm.”

“Sorry, Mihoko-sensei,” came the apology over the ringing of the bell behind them as the door swung inwards to the Yamanaka flower shop. Sombering down, Serah continued, “Why aren’t Hirotsugu and Matsu coming with us?”

“Hirotsugu had certain Senju traditions to uphold, so his father has personally requested that I relinquish Hirotsugu from my jurisdiction for the day, so he may participate in one of their more celibate ceremonies,” she shared. “Matsu, on the other hand, is busy practising his family’s techniques. I didn’t quite give him my approval, but considering the Sarutobi compound is twenty-two blocks away and on the other side of the village relative to our destination, I don’t find it economical to gather him now. It’ll just be you and me, Serah.” A smile – an awkward one, or perhaps the pinkette had only never seen her sensei smile enough – graced her features as she attempted to lighten the atmosphere. “A little sensei-student bonding session. Just like you’ve always wanted.”

“I was thinking more of a team bonding session, you know, like the movies and such,” Serah replied with a toothless grin, duke blue eyes staring up at Mihoko-sensei’s chocolate brown ones. She snapped her head back in front, focusing on their journey and no longer the woman on her right, whose tutelage she’d served under for the past eight years. “But this works too!”

The two women walked in silence past the network of people milling about their daily activities, exchanging few meaningful words along the way. Serah tried to prod her sensei for more information about her personal life, but as usual, she was able to discern nothing from the small fragments her sensei opted to drop her, bar her sensei’s single status, high class apartment, and work-oriented lifestyle. The poor girl was unable to pry anything about her friend group from her enigmatic sensei, even when it revolved around Sumimoto Kyudoka, the man who was acting sensei of her sister’s team for a similar number of years. She suspected Mihoko and Sumimoto were far more than just colleagues, but unless they came clean, any self-purported investigation would do them, as Genin, no good.

Student and teacher walked side by side, as Mihoko similarly shot questions at Serah. They were harmless in nature, mostly to sate her bland curiosity over her students’ insistence that she accompany them on their grand adventures around the village when they weren’t scheduled to meet up. Serah entertained them, even if she half-suspected her sensei’s Nara intellect already had her laid bare in front of the older woman, all secrets dug up without any prodding necessary. It didn’t help that Mihoko-sensei had likely already known everything, either from their files or their body language.

They reached the Memorial Stone with a lax gait in their walk, two girls of approximate height standing shoulder-to-shoulder, but the one on the right with considerably more experience than her student. They stood at the polished epitaph, carved and polished like a diamond, with yellow indents marking out the names of fallen ninja. Gently, Mihoko placed the bouquet of daisies in her hand on a small, vacant spot on the right of the stone, finding a clear spot where everywhere else had been occupied by gifts, presents, and cards by visiting relatives and friends from the past week. Their gift was in remembrance not of ninja, but of clients who they had failed to protect. Mihoko-sensei, a Jonin, failed to predict the false information they had been fed. Her team’s inexperience handicapped them against the hundreds of bandits that swarmed their client, and the Shiganori family – father, mother, daughter – had paid the price for the Konoha team’s incompetence. Mihoko stressed the importance of remembering them – the one failed mission her team had gone on that had resulted in the deaths of three innocents – and it was a once-in-several-months occurrence that Team Mihoko would rendezvous to pay their respects to the clients they had failed.

The silence was deafening but welcome as the two graced the memorial stone, paying their silent respects, head dipped and eyes closed, while Serah’s hands were clasped in front of her pink cheongsam, odachi attached to the belt, resting against her left hip, before she felt Mihoko’s hand on her right shoulder. The girl looked up at the face of her sensei, who only bore a smile. No instance of disappointment could be seen, even if her tone had been harsh with Serah for her slip-up during the recent team spar with Team Sumimoto. For a Nara, the ultimate embarrassment was for your student to be outclassed in strategy, simply because your student had used none, and all three of Mihoko’s students had suffered in that regard.

“I have paperwork to fill out,” Mihoko spoke up, her face betraying none of the emotions Serah expected, nor did her posture give away the incoming lecture Serah anticipated. A lone, gloved finger pushed a strand of Serah’s pink hair behind her right ear, as her sensei continued, “I’ll be leaving first. Don’t stay here too long. I recall you have lunch with your sister. It will be rude to keep her waiting.”

“Under...stoood,” Serah responded in mild shock, surprised by the affection her sensei had shown in place of her usual stoicism and business-approach. Her gaze was brought back to the Memorial Stone, where a white dove had perched itself at the tip, cocking its head left and right and flying past Serah, disappearing into the trees. Serah’s eyes followed its movements, before they landed on a blonde who had made a tree branch his home, comfortable sitting close to the canopy. Assuming he would catch her movements, Serah would give him a wave, her trademark smile on her face as she sorted Mihoko’s words for later debate and deliberation.

1291 words



Blue. Always a magnificent hue of blue.

Clouds littered the brilliant blue sky, the sun playing hide-and-seek behind them from time to time. The wind gently blew, on occasion, giving some relief to the sweltering humidity and heat that came with this lustrous weather. The earth smelled of dried rain, as the morning dew evaporated into the air--one final dance before it was sent back to whence it came.

Early mornings were always light, yet full of the buzz that came with living in a rather large village. People went to and from home, work--and others just enjoyed being busy bodies in the morning. The streets were bustling with noise, excitement, and anticipation for what the day would bring. People moved about in a frenzy, whether it be gathering their friends and/or family, or finding a good spot to enjoy their morning tea. Nonetheless--the Village Hidden in the Leaves was alive and well, its people without a care in the world.

Shift focus to a small café, situated in the eastern sector of the village closest to the (rather small) Uzumaki compound, and there sat Uzumaki, Hatako enjoying his favorite cup of Emperor's Clouds and Mist green tea. Usually, the young shinobi enjoyed his morning tea at home--but today was different given the fact the stovetop had broken, and was in desperate need of repair. Although slightly agitated, he found comfort in knowing that the local teashop was receptive of his needs and had tea that was to his liking. So, there he sat--cozied up in his chair as he sipped his tea, watching civilians pass by as they moved throughout their day.

""It's always such a blessing, getting to see the people out and about, enjoying the freedom and privilege in which many have given their lives to protect..." thought Hatako, reflecting on what it meant to be a shinobi--and the sacrifices that come with it. During his childhood, he had remembered the countless times in which he needed someone to protect him and his mothers from the wrongdoings of the past. He remembered how much he and his mother suffered back in the Land of Tea, before coming here, and how desperate they were in needing a hero like a shinobi. Although, not all shinobi were heroes, but nonetheless they stood for something--they could do something.

About a half an hour passed, and Hatako found himself dozing off a bit. Slumped in his chair, he finally managed to conjure up the energy to pull himself from out of it, and lazily walk to the register to pay for his tea. He sluggishly rummaged around his hand around his pocket, pulling out various amounts of change and slapping the lot on the counter.

"Keep the change." Hatako said, as he barely made eye contact with the clerk, slowly making his way towards the door, and onto the street outside it.

Hands in pockets, Hatako slowly made his way down the crowded street as he kicked a rock (hoping not to hit anyone with it). Every so often, his eyes scanned the surrounding shops in hopes of finding a flower shop in which he could purchase a bouquet of lilies. For awhile, it seemed as if he had been walking for hours although it had only been at it for about five minutes. It wasn't too long, however, that he came across a Yamanaka-owned flower shop--the lilies he wanted displayed front-and-center.

His mood slightly lifted, after all the thinking of sacrifice and those that have died to give what he sometimes takes for granted, Hatako waltzed into the flower shop. As he walked in, his senses became overwhelmed by the various smells of fragrances that lingered throughout the establishment. Roses here, and daisies there--the shop was filled with wonderful smells that did nothing but enlighten the soul. It wasn't long before Hatako almost found himself dancing around the store, the lilies somehow already in his hands as he made his way to the counter. Again, his hands rummaged through his pockets, pulled out the needed exchange, and off he was--to the Shinobi Monument.

Having been various times before, it wasn't too hard for Hatako to find the Shinobi Monument. With a little bit of sweat beading down his forehead, he had finally made it to the top of the hill in which it was situated. Although he hadn't been to the monument in almost a year, he remembered (clearly) the last time he was here--as it was when he came to pay respects to his Academy sensei that had died in a conflict to the east shortly after Hatako had become an active shinobi again.

"If it wasn't for you...and the courage you sparked in my heart that day I joined the Academy, I probably wouldn't be here," Hatako said lightly, a tear rolling down his face, his emerald gaze set on the monument.

"I never had a father, growing up--but you were the closest thing I had to one. If only you could see me probably wouldn't be too proud. But boy, I could definitely use you right now." mumbled Hatako, lifting his sleeve to wipe his eyes as his other arm dangled from his torso...lilies in hand.

"I still drink that stupid tea you got me's so stupid how it's become a part of my everyday routine," Hatako said, chuckling a bit as he stopped wiping his eyes of the tears that wetted them. "At least you can watch me from wherever you're at now...sensei." Hatako exclaimed, looking at the monument and then to the sky.

After spending what seemed like an eternity looking towards the sky, as if looking for an answer, Hatako slowly approached the monument and set his lilies next to a beautiful bouquet of daisies. He slowly stepped away, bowed his head, and made his peace--quietly, and intimately.

With all being said and done, Hatako slowly turned around to take his leave until he saw a young, blonde-headed boy in a tree. Not only that, but a young pink-haired kunoichi seemed to notice his presence too, waving to the boy as she waved at him.

"I wonder what those two might be up to?" Hatako thought to himself, as he found his feet sluggishly moving towards the couple.

"I see I'm not the only one who paid their respects." Hatako bluntly stated as he looked at the pair, his emerald gaze now fixated on them.

"I'm Uzumaki, Hatako".


Last edited by Kristoffer on Sat Jun 04, 2016 4:34 pm; edited 1 time in total



[ Quick OOC note: Talked to Serah and she didn't approach Ginza, only waved! But no worries! :) Also for the sake of continuity, since I'll be joining Kenta's thread, this is before that takes place. ]

Izuna. Katon. Akari. Tarou. Batosen. Sei. Sakana. Miko. Zeisei. Coda.

Those were only a few of the names that filled Ginza's head as he sat in the tree watching the monument and the people who came and went, paying their respect to their own long lost ghosts. His Memories of the others were bittersweet, settling in Ginza's heart making it feel heavy with loss, even though he always tried his best to remember the better moments that they had together. The laughter and sweet words; he'd always hold that with him. But... none of them deserved to leave their lives so quickly, soft hearts slaughtered by dull, slow blades. Crying out in pain and fear. He'd remember their laughter and sweet words, but he'd also remember those strangled cries that had left the lips of those he'd loved in their last moments.

In all honesty, he should have died with them back at the temple. He certainly hadn't been stong enough to fight against them, and really he still wasn't. He had been lucky to get away those few years ago. He'd never understand why he had been chosen to be captured and dragged along as 'entertainer' for the gang of brutes that had destroyed his home and people who had become his family. But here he was, alive. Alive, and it had to be for a reason. For now, his reason was to get strong enough to one day avenge the people he'd lost and to protect weaker people from brutes like them.

Shaking himself in an effort to keep himself from thinking of those horrible sounds that his people had made, Ginza closed his eyes, taking a deep breath to calm himself. A brief moment of meditation, focusing on the peaceful flow of his chakra as it flowed throughout his body. In and out. He let out a breath before opening his eyes, immediately catching sight of a new addition at the top of the monument.

A white dove.

The little creature was startling to see, but it was clear as day, perched upon the monument, head swiveling at it looked around. White doves, from his studies with his library of books held so much symbolism from many centuries, it was almost hard to describe it all, and probably some of it had been lost over the years. But white doves were special. Peaceful. A small smile placed itself on Ginza's face as he watched the bird, trying to think about what he'd read about them.

'...Few symbols have a tradition as long and as rich as the dove. A particular favorite in art and iconography, the dove often represents some aspect of the divine, and its use has been shared, adapted and reinterpreted across cultures and millennia to suit changing belief systems. From the ancient world to modern times, this simple bird developed layer upon layer of meaning and interpretive significance, making it a complex and powerful addition to religious texts and visual representations....'

One point of his research had mentioned playing on the more vague aspects, while another had gone into more detail saying,

'...The white dove is one of the most venerated creatures, symbolizing the spirit, the soul, bringing the spirit down to the earth and the transit between one state and another....'

If he remembered correctly there had been many many more books on it when he'd been studying theism at the temple.  And somewhere... somewhere he'd definitely read that the birds also were a simple symbol of peace.  It was a nice thought, at the very least. And the heaviness in his heart lifted somewhat as he watched the bird as it suddenly took off, flying towards him and then past him. It was as if it lifted the weight off his shoulders as it flew by, and he felt calmed slightly, eyes lingering after it for a moment until he could no longer see it before turning back to look at the monument.

Looking to the tip of the monument first he let his gaze slowly fall to see a girl staring at him, lifting her hand to wave. In a simple movement, he raised an eyebrow, half expecting to see someone else out of the corner of his eyes who would truly be the goal of the pink haired teen's wave. But no, there wasn't really anyone else around his tree, and she was clearly looking up at him. Odd. He gave a half-hearted hum before lifting a hand to wave back at her before beginning to climb down, dropping to a lower branch before dropping to the ground.

If she wanted to interact with him, he would, in his own way, reciprocate, he supposed. He approached the girl, coming to realize that he would most certainly tower over her as he walked over. And tower over her, the twenty-four year old did when he got over to her, a foot and some odd inches taller than her. And his eyebrow rose all the more when another approached them, before falling back into an impassive expression, golden eyes flicking to the boy who approached them, still shorter than him. But not as much as the girl.

Outgoing, the boy was definitely, bustling over to them and introducing himself without warning. Ginza blinked, glancing back at the pink haired girl before finding his own voice and introducing himself to the pair. "Kaigara, Ginza."

WC: 836 + 919 = 1755

[Quotes about white doves found: HERE & in Symbolic and Mythological Animals by J.C. Cooper ]



The blonde up in the treetops reciprocated her wave, before dropping onto the ground, using a lower branch as a small stepping stone to help him ease his fall. As he landed, however, Serah almost awed at his height. Back when he was perched on the tree, high as it was, she couldn’t really estimate his height, and as with anyone else she’d expected him to be roughly her own height, given he looked roughly her age, give or take a few years, hence giving or taking a few metres. However, when he stood tall and not five feet away from her did she realise the sheer difference in their heights, with the man she’d waved to standing over a foot her taller.

She also realised that he wasn’t the only one to approach them. A third person strode towards them, a lazy gait in his walk, and Serah took in his appearance. Outwardly, she turned to him, clasping both hands behind her back respectfully, and admittedly slightly playfully, and giving him a bright smile. Inwardly, however, she was drinking in his image, his black button-up shirt, long dull sleeves rolled up messily just below the elbows, baggy pants hiding black leg wraps that disappeared into sandals of a lighter, but equally dull, shade. If it weren’t for the headband tied around his right thigh, she’d have passed him off as a civilian, but as it appeared, she wrote him off as a fellow shinobi of the villatic abode she, and likely the two men present, called home.

‘Uzumaki Hatako’, he’d introduced himself. It was true, she’d paid her respects but she did feel slightly guilty that there wasn’t a real connection between her and the clients whose lives had been lost because of her incompetence. But it was just so long ago. She didn’t know them, she was young, she was scared, and Mihoko-sensei had been the one to make the call to retreat. She’d been scared stiff, she’d been traumatised, and she’d shut out those emotions, blatantly trying to ignore how black the world could get in relation to the white of her views, but the years had been kind on her, dealing her with none a similar experience as that.

“Kaigara Ginza,” the blonde supplied.

Hatako, and Ginza. The two names burned themselves into her memory, making associations even as she gave a greeting, “Hi,” directing the words at the raven-haired male moreso than the blonde, if only to give him a greeting in place of her previous wave. “My name’s Serah Uchiha,” she supplied.

1736 words



With much sluggishness in his step, Hatako continued his advancement towards the two. Although he wasn't normally the type to engage with people he wasn't particularly familiar with, he felt as if today offered some sort of difference--maybe as if he were somehow destined to familiarize himself with these two.

As he exchanged his hello with the pair, the blonde that the pink-haired girl had been waving to decided to leap from the branches and onto the ground. From a distance, Hatako had figured the boy was around the same build and height as himself--however, closer observations proved that wasn't quite the case. Nonetheless, both the girl and the boy looked as if they were around his age give or take a few, which would make the exchange between the three a lot less awkward had it been either of them approaching a senior shinobi.

Hatako's footsteps now grinding to a halt, the blonde-headed boy was the first to introduce himself and answer Hatako's engagement with the pair.

"Kaigara, Ginza." replied the blonde-headed boy, his attention seemingly more focused on the pink-haired girl.

"Kaigara...? That's not a clan name I'm very familiar with at all. I suppose that makes this more or less interesting?" thought Hatako, as he registered the boy's name, matching the name with Ginza's rather handsome face.

Shortly following Ginza's short introduction, the pink-haired kunoichi also spoke up and gave her name as well.

"Hi, my name is Serah Uchiha." said the young girl, Hatako's eyes widening as he learned of the girl's roots.

"An Uchiha...? That's not something you hear everyday--I'm not even quite sure I've met one quite yet..." Hatako thought to himself, his eyes notably shifting upwards towards the sky as his face mirrored his "lost in thought" moment.

"Well, Serah Uchiha and Ginza Kaigara, it's a pleasure to meet you two," said Hatako as a large smile etched itself across his chiseled face, his eyes closed and hand reaching behind his head.

Quite often, when engaging with strangers, Hatako could easily introduce himself--however, after that came the real "struggle". Usually, this would be the part in which Hatako would find an excuse to save himself the embarrassment of not knowing how to carry a conversation--yet this time around it seemed as if there were no way out of this one.

So, with nowhere to run and without much thought involved, Hatako quickly found himself dropping to the ground and sitting with his legs crossed. Outwardly, this probably came off as a playful aspect of personality--however, inwardly it was Hatako having a panic attack over the fact that he wasn't quite sure what to do with himself.

"It's a lovely day to be out here, honoring those that have lost their lives," Hatako said looking at the sky as he sat there, slowly falling onto his back as he lay there stretched out.

"Although, I'm sure we're all out here for different reasons. Yeah?" asked the Uzumaki ambiguously as he kept his emerald gaze fixated on the clouds passing overhead--hoping one of them would start to share a story, or two.




An Uchiha and an Uzumaki. What an interesting pair to meet randomly on a day like this. When considering the history of the two clans, he had to wonder how the pair would interact with each other. How would their relationship develop? Right now they were simple acquaintances who had randomly happened to meet. Would they develop a friendship? It was curious, and the studying that he had done way back when he had been a simple student in the academy all those years ago came to the forefront of his mind as he studied the pair in front of him, taking in their features.

The seventh Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki, and the famed Sasuke Uchiha were two that were quite prominent in the history of the village, and they were in history book after history book. It had been interesting to read how their marred friendship had caused the shaping of the world that they now lived in, and that had prompted Ginza to do more research. Not simply about them, but about the various clans that made their homes in their village, or at least had done. From what he knew, while a few Uchiha still made their home in Konoha they were mostly scattered outside of the village… and that was similar to the way the Uzumaki now lived a well.

"Nice to meet you both." Ginza said, keeping his voice calm and collected as he watched the boy drop down into a sitting position, legs crossed on the green grass that seemed to be meticulously groomed around the monument by someone or another. Probably some poor low-ranking shinobi who was unlucky enough to get one of the gardening missions. Ginza was relieved that he hadn't been sent on one of those during the last for years of him being back in the village that he had been raised in as a child.

Ginza considered the Uzumaki boy for a moment before allowing himself to drop down into a cross legged position as well, sitting in front of  him, though not close enough to him to cut out the Uchiha girl. This had to be one of the more awkward interactions that he'd ever had with others in the village, but he was interested to see where this went, even if he perhaps became more of an observer. Considering he didn't talk very much, it was very likely that Serah and Hatako would be the ones to continue the conversation more than he was willing too. They did seem to be the more outgoing types, or at least, outwardly outgoing, where as he was not.

He gave the Uzumaki a nodd at the comment that it was a lovely day, but soon the Uzumaki had allowed himself to fall backwards onto his back, and he found himself looking back up to the pink haired girl. "...We would have to be here for different reasons, though death would probably be the common entity that brought us here." He hummed, quirking an eyebrow as he glanced back at the dark haired Uzumaki who was staring up and to the clouds. What a strange boy this Uzumaki was.

WC: 1755 + 531 = 2286



“Nice to meet you two as well,” Serah replied, echoing the words of the blond who went before her.

It was at this point that Hatako would drop onto the ground, grass freshly cut, freshly trimmed, and sit cross-legged. His green eyes peeked out from behind his eyelids, staring at the two still-standing companions in front of him from beneath his mop of blackish-brown hair, wild and uncombed and betraying a small glimpse into what normally occurred in one Hatako Uzumaki’s life in the morning. In fact, this quick, lightning-fast train of thought as swiftly as it came and went invited with it a wonder as to his preference for the colour black, evident in the shade of his shirt and loose, hanging pants, as well as bandages of the unusual black rather than the whites most ninja used. Serah quickly thought about whether the black attire was his usual go-to outfit, or if it was something he’d picked out to honour the dead.

His action was mirrored by the blonde, Ginza Kaigara, who too dropped down onto the ground to get level with Hatako. Of course, given his height and stature, Serah found that ‘level’ wasn’t a the most accurate word to use to describe their current eye levels, though it did put him on a much more equal height with Hatako – and she supposed herself – by opting to sit down and cater to his whims for the moment. Seeing that the two of them had already dropped, Serah herself did the same, though she didn’t sit cross-legged as her bum hit the ground. Instead, she folded both her legs over to her left, sitting on the ground and leaning backwards, supporting herself on her two hands as her palms lay flat against the grassy ground, mildly and only very mildly wet from the slick moisture of the day’s humidity.

She then saw Hatako drop onto his back, hands stretched out on either side of him. She idly wondered if he noticed the slight wetness from the grass, or if it was so slight it likely didn’t register; she knew she only realised it because her bare skin was pressed against it. Perhaps Hatako’s shirt would safeguard him from the discomfort of the only very slightly damp ground, if he was even discomforted by it in the first place. Some people were okay with the wetness, and she for one knew that on various occasions she too enjoyed playing around in water, splashing it against her sister or outright running without a care in the world in the rain. Those were good times, such memories, but they’ve been less and less frequent as she and her sister had to grow up. It didn’t matter, though. While good times may have passed, it didn’t mean that better ones weren’t on the way, and she knew she and Aqua could experience most, if not all of them together, along with their teammates.

It reminded her that while there were low times in her life, such as when she’d almost completely broken at having failed that C-rank unofficially turned B- or even A-rank mission, she’d always manage to make it back out and return to her usual self so long as there were people she cared about tethering who she was to who she is and who she could be. Back then, in one of the rare few moments in her life that she’d felt her spirit come as close as it could be to breaking, if not breaking already, it had been her friends who’d managed to help her get back on her feet, and it had been her team that had stuck with her through her tough times, it had been her sensei who had given her the advice she needed to move past the pain, and it had been her sister who’d helped her sleep through the nightmares.

As Ginza and Hatako exchanged a few words, Serah would sit to the side. The three of them were seated in a triangle of sorts, but Serah would keep quiet. She was social, yes, and she did love getting to know people, but the situation just seemed more… appropriate, when lived in silence and appreciation.

2464 words



[ooc: Excuse my exit, but it's been 2 weeks since Serah posted, so I'm going to exit! I want the WC and need to open up a slot for another thread. Sorry. Dx]

Ginza gave a small nod to the pink haired girl in reply, before sitting in silence with the two of them for some time. It was interesting that neither of the others were really talking, but perhaps it was nice enough to have some company in the area, just to appreciate the area. He considered each of them for a moment, wondering the depths of what had brought them here to the monument to pay their respects. He wasn't quite sure if either of them looked familiar enough with death, though perhaps it was that they were younger. A few years could certainly change a person in appearance, and his own certainly had become much more stern than he had when he had been their ages. But still he wondered about them. Perhaps they had seen death... or perhaps not. Perhaps they had been distanced from death and just knew of someone who had departed. It didn't particularly matter really. His eyes drifted over Hatako laying on the grass and then over to Serah for a moment before allowing his gaze to drift over to the monument again.

The great white stone was one of the most important places in the village. A monument, that much like the Hokage mountain, was somewhere that the Village Hidden in the Leaves just wouldn't be the same without. The monument had been there when he had lost his family back when he had still been in the Academy. A place for him to mourn their loss aside from the shrine that he made for them in their now bloodstained family home, though he no longer lived his life there. Instead choosing to now live in a small apartment, though he still had a shrine in his home for those he lost. After living in a temple for so many years he simply couldn't shake his religion, and it held him tightly... and oh how he missed the temple and the carefree life he'd lived there. The festivals, dancing for the gods, maintaining it. But that life was long past, the life he lived would be one of a shinobi now to protect those who were too week to protect themselves. Shinobi led bloody lives that often led to death, and he knew that well, perhaps better than many others. He had known that from what his parents had taught him, but he'd known that now through the loss of everyone that he had every loved or been close to. His parents, everyone at the temple. Everyone he'd cared for.

A soft sigh escaped him as he watched the white dove, probably the one that he had seen before fly passed again before flying so far away that it merged with the blue sky. What a fascinating bird. Ginza had to wonder why it was flying around this area on today of all days. He'd never really seen one around before. When his golden gaze dropped from the sky again, it was to his arm, and he pushed up his sleeve revealing a watch. As much as he was enjoying his reprieve here by the monument with these two others, he did have one other thing to do today at the very least, and he knew that he was late that he would probably regret it. He read the time and sighed before standing up and brushing himself off so that he was still presentable. "It was nice meeting you, Hatako, Serah, but please excuse me..." He murmured before moving to step away from the two, leaving them to continue sitting on the grass where they were while he proceeded to continue on his business. Perhaps he would see the others again soon.

First thing was first though, he had probably about an hour before he needed to head out again, so a quick stop home was the first thing on his list to have some food and gather the things that he would need for the engagements that he had to attend to, one of which was a mission. He walked from the green grass and to a pathway that led back into the village, moving leisurely. As much as he wasn't fond of the task that led to him at the monument because it reminded him that everyone was dead, it was a rather peaceful day, and the rest of the tasks for the day would be pleasant, and hopefully distract him from his darker thoughts. The walk through the village was nice as he moved towards his home, listening to the people that he walked past chattering and observing the scenery that mostly consisted of various shops and stands. Soon enough though, he made it to his apartment building and stepped into his apartment closing the door behind him and leaning against it for a moment as brief memories of the others filled his head. He stayed like that for a moment before it was time for a quick meal before he had to head out again.

- Exit Thread -

WC: 2286 + 845 = 3131


  • Reaction Time : E-0 -> D-0  [ 3131 - 750 = 2381]
  • Speed : D-0 -> D-3  [ 2381 - 1175 = 1206 ]
  • Strength : D-0 -> D-3  [ 1206 - 1175 = 31 ]

Left over wc = 31

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