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1Destiny, Perhaps? [P] Empty Destiny, Perhaps? [P] Sun Aug 02, 2015 11:16 am



The sun was being covered by clouds by it's warmth could still be felt by all beneath it. The ground was as busy as the sky with shinobi from different villages inhabiting Kumogakure. Actually, the ground was much harder than the ground in Konoha, this ground did not seem to have soil but it was just rock and mountain. The terrain was obviously different, along with the climate. The twelve year old took the changes with a thirst for diversity, which was what he loved about his trip so far. The village and everything within the village was going to be foreign. Maybe he could pick up some Kumogakure shinobi equipment before taking off; he definitely would need some souvenirs. One thing he wished he could do was take home some of this fresh air. The air felt so clean and crisp, it was really hard to describe but the air itself was ‘free and alive’. A breeze came by and blew into Koonta as he deeply breathed in all what he could have. It was strange how this was one of the few times that he had actually thought about his parents since his departure. He figured he could spend them a postcard to let them know of his safety. He went back to reality without a second beat. It was strange how quickly Koonta forgot about his own parents, or maybe that is normal…

Koonta stood with his traveling pack still on his back and his forehead protector was polished to crisp wrapped around his forehead. His eyes were surveying the area for any other Konoha headbands. He easily could have been perceived for some lost child because...he was. A long rumble came from his belly as he ached just to eat. Unfortunately, the young genin desired many things at this point. Company was a big one; he had spent the last few days completely alone in the wilderness. If only he could find someone that could act like a guide during his trip. He did not need a guide to travel across villages to get to Kumogakure but having a guide here would be so much more fun. Chunin Exams are times for high enjoyment and Koonta cannot enjoy alone, he’d need someone to hear all his complaints and how Konoha shinobi are the best.

There was a small rack with flyers, brochures and other useful information. His tiny hands found a map of Kumogakure that he could reference in the near future. His eyes were glazed over the map of Kumo in order to obtain the essence of the village. It was so difficult to choose where to eat, even more so, a place to find shelter. His aching feet were begging to find a place to sit down, just for a minute. The young boy began to feel overwhelmed with all the sudden changes. ' Do they even use ryo?' The boy thought in a panicked state. It was not that he someone to save him but he sure could use some guidance from someone. He was hoping that a stranger walking by would notice his turmoil and help him, even in the slightest. His eyes would look around to find see headbands of shinobi from different villages. Groups led by jonin had genin students following, desperately trying not to get lost. If only he had a sensei, then maybe he would not have to do everything for himself, by himself. He watched the groups of shinobi pass by and wanted to see how much skill they really had. If he had a sensei, then he might have been able to enter the Chunin Exams.

His hand reached for the information stall and grabbed a Chunin Exam booklet. He wanted to see the starting matchups and scenarios. However, a sudden strange sensation overtook his body alarming to look up and away from the book. A bright smile appeared from the young boy as he saw a Konoha headband hovering high in the sky. He regained his composure, hoping no one saw that emotional breakout that had just occurred. Hopefully, the headband would make its way closer to Koonta, so he would not have to be alone anymore. His fingers nervously flipped the pages of the tiny booklet. “ Please…please.” That moment made him realize that he might not have been the adult that he thought he was…


2Destiny, Perhaps? [P] Empty Re: Destiny, Perhaps? [P] Sun Aug 02, 2015 5:20 pm

Asura Senju

Asura Senju

Asura yawned as he slowly raised his head off of his pillow. His eyes slowly opened, showing the blurry light peering through the tent. The blur started to clear as he shook his head from side to side, clearing his mind of the nightmares from last night, the sights of gigantic spiders crawling around him, vanishing, leaving his mind with the dream of a six-armed being, glowing with wrath. Asura tapped his forehead lightly with the palm of his head, his head aching, "Owww... Why today... Wait... I get to train today, at least something good comes of this, that and the exams are soon... I'd better put some good work in if I am ever to pass." He quietly spoke in his low, styled, tone voice. He moved the blanket off of himself and tossed it to the side as he crawled out of the tent. He stood up and yawned, stretching his arms and legs, cracking his neck before throwing a few punches at the air. He packed up his things putting them away carefully before picking up his backpack. Asura sat himself on a rock, opening up his brother's book, the book was written by a 'Shintaro Senju' about a secret group.

The strange book was named "The Thousand-petaled War". Asura opened the book and started reading like he did every morning, starting out with a mythical tale of a other worldly beast who slew hundreds before splitting his power, throwing it to different villages, one of which was named 'Mabukai no Mai'. He started reading about the several members that exist in the group named 'Sahasrara', one of them, going by the name of Muladhara. It read in the book -- Muladhara has slate gray eyes and long black hair, which he keeps up in intricate white headpieces called kenseikan, which symbolize his nobility as the head of his Clan, wearing one on top of his head and another two on the right side. In addition to the standard shinobi uniform, he wears a white scarf, which is woven by the master weaver Tsuji Kuro III. The scarf is made from silver-white, windflower light silk and is a family heirloom, having been handed down from generation to generation and given to each head of the the Clan. -- Asura looked at the book with a faint face of confusion, question what he just read, remembering his father mention such a man, however it was this man that was the lowest of the group. Asura closed his book and stood up, taking a deep breath.

"Right, I'd better get going." He still wore his light blue T-shirt with a white trim, in addition to blue jeans, black combat boots, and a pair of black leather fingerless gloves. He also wore his gray shirt over his light blue shirt keeping the top three buttons undone to show his shirt that is located underneath. Asura walked along on the side walk, looking around as he passed by the shorter villagers, smiling as he wave to those who recognized him. He would occasionally look up to see the beautiful morning sky as he walked past the several homes between his and the market, hearing the villagers talk as he passed by, seeming to have not a care in the world. Asura turned the corner and passed by a Cafe, his eyes scanning the streets for a book store, he remembered about the event going on with the casino, he knew he had little to know money on him but he continued his path never the less. He quickly went into the clothes store nearby and got a new look before coming out of there again, walking back on his path.

Word Count: 625

Last edited by Asura Senju on Tue Aug 04, 2015 2:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

3Destiny, Perhaps? [P] Empty Re: Destiny, Perhaps? [P] Mon Aug 03, 2015 2:30 pm



Koonta observed some man walk past him and down the hall. The man had a Konoha headband. He knew that the man would offer pointers and maybe even some assistance. The boy took his entire luggage and awkwardly scurried towards the giant. Koonta needed a guide to such a village. He firmly believed in guides because guides prevent mistakes. A life without mistakes is a life worth living, at least that is what he thought. If he had a guide, then he would be able to prevent mistakes from happening. He thought there was a hole in his heart because he did not have a life guide. He needed someone to watch over him and help prevent him from committing mistakes in life. The tired genin had a difficult time catching up with the giant because he was so far away and carrying so much stuff. He wondered, ‘Where are all the other Konoha shinobi?’ He past about ten other shinobi from different villages, why did the man have to walk so fast?!

Eventually, Koonta had to run towards the man but lost track of him. He turned a corner and smack into a giant. This man had white hair, light skin and was huge. He was very tall. Initially, the young genin was knocked down onto his butt and was angry. The hit was so sudden and quick that it unhinged his vest and his toned abdomen was showing. His fist came up and shook. “ Hey!” Before he could finish his insult and threat, he saw a Konoha headband wrapped around his waist. A bright smile overtook the anger and frustrations he was having. He wondered who this man was. He had never seen him before. He would have known this man if he had ever met him because of his purple eyes. What an interesting color to have? The Kimura wondered if it was some secret jutsu or clan ability. Regardless to what it was, Koonta was certain that he would be able to defeat it.

The genin quickly got up to his feet. Luckily for him, all of his equipment was packed securely so nothing was misplaced or stolen. The surrounding citizens walked past the duo as if nothing happened. Part of Koonta wondered what would have happened if the two actually did fight. They looked like opposites. Koonta was short with black hair and this man was tall with white hair. He had many questions but the most important one must be answered first. A loud and long mumble came from the boy’s belly. Koonta did not want to admit it but he was hungry, he is so stubborn and never wants to admit anything unless it is a positive trait. The boy knew what the taller man was thinking and simply waited for a reply. He looked at him and blinked waiting for him to direct him to food. If he wanted to join, then that would be fine also.

4Destiny, Perhaps? [P] Empty Re: Destiny, Perhaps? [P] Tue Aug 04, 2015 12:53 pm

Asura Senju

Asura Senju

Asura looked down to the new Ninja, his face didn't seem to show anger, and the headband he had on his waist  seemed to stay in place. He hadn't dyed his hair just yet but he had a new appearance in general. Asura wore a tight black shirt that has short sleeves and reaches to the mid-section of the neck. Over his shirt he wore a blood red hoodie, the sleeves are cut short to keep them at a similar level to the shirt below. Over the hoodie and the shirt is a strange vest with a dark beige colour, it have five straps, one around each shoulder and three around the waist. Over his whole outfit he wore a pure white jacket, long sleeved but rolled up to the elbow with a red circle on each shoulder, within the circle is a white symbol, showing the Konohagakure Symbol in the centre. Asura also wore black leather gloves that are designed for comfort in battle, they allow his fingers to move freely while still keeping a tightly fit look. He wore long baggy black trousers with a belt hidden under his blood red hoodie. Covering his feet all the way up to just below the knee, Asura wore dark grey/navy bluish leather boots, again, designed for comfort during battle. Over his left leg, at the thigh, is a dark grey/navy bluish leather strap with a holster to hold Asura's Kunai, going down the side of the strap is Asura's head band that he placed there, fitting it perfectly, keeping it from being scratched or damaged during battle and keeping his new look. In his mouth was what appeared to be a tooth pick he had been chewing on over time, however, it seemed to fall out of his mouth due to the unexpected incident. In this instance, he had his old headband around his waist and his new one on the side.

Asura looked down to him, holding his hand out to him, "Huh... You're new... And from what I can tell, you're from Konoha too..." He heard the stranger's stomach rumble, "I'm Asura Senju." Asura smiled to the man, his mind giving him all sorts of ideas, everything from his other personality being released to helping this kid out. "You sound hungry, do you want to go for a bowl of Ramen?" He asked him, noticing the stuff the stranger had brought with him.

Word Count: 416
Total Count: 1,041

5Destiny, Perhaps? [P] Empty Re: Destiny, Perhaps? [P] Wed Aug 05, 2015 7:03 pm



It was obvious that the child was hungry and must have just finished traveling to Kumogakure.  His feet were sore and his back ached but pain was something that shinobi dealt with everyday. Starvation is a completely different matter, in fact shinobi are regarded as the healthiest since they exercise their mind, body, spirit daily.  He figured the goliath could eat two maybe three times more than himself but he was the one saving his money by not having to spend so much ryo on food.  Ryo was surprisingly difficult to come across and amazingly easy to spend.  The giant man made a remark on the screech that came from his belly and he could not be judged for it.  Koonta would have done the same thing. " I am Kimura Koonta, genin of Konoha!" The boy boasted with proud as he propped out his empty belly.  " I could enjoy a bowl of ramen to start as an appetizer. " He said as he chuckled.

In reality, the boy wanted to try Kumogakure food and experience their culture.  It might not have been much different from Konoha itself but it sure would be a new experience.  Especially in such a climate. Kumo and Konoha's climate were very different but Koonta appreciated the new lifestyle.  The boy got up and had an idea of where to go due to his map.  His shoulders shrugged his luggage along.  He needed a place to stay for the night but he did need food badly.  Maybe Asura knew of some Konoha safe haven or some place where Koonta could spend the night.  He was tired of his tent but he actually thought about living in it once he got back to Konoha.  The genin had no idea what rank this man was.  He seemed much older than Koonta, his body was much more developed but he could not have been in his twenties.  His face seemed much too young.  His best guess would be genin, he wondered if he would be participating in the chunin exams.  

The boy thought that he would be one of the few genin in Kumogakure that would not be taking the exams.  It was not a big concern for Koonta because he knew his own power and his own worth.  Many people got promoted to chunin by the exams but Koonta did not need such an exam, he would rather show off his own skill in real combat and real missions where he could learn about the real lifestyle of shinobi and gain real work experience.  He had all the theories and tactics, strategies and tips, he just has not been able to implement them into his real experiences yet.  He felt that Kumo could be the place for it.  As the two begun to walk towards the ramen shop, Koonta broke the silence. " Are you a genin? I have never seen you around Konoha, which is surprising because you are easy to notice. " He said ironically because he ran into him without notice.

He wondered how many more people he would meet from Konoha in Kumo, strange to have to travel across the world to meet someone who lives down two streets.

6Destiny, Perhaps? [P] Empty Re: Destiny, Perhaps? [P] Thu Aug 13, 2015 2:26 pm

Asura Senju

Asura Senju

Asura looked at the boy, curiosity filling his quite damaged mind, "Ah, Kimura Koonta... Wish I heard of you, you seem like quite the Shinobi" Asura spoke, with a cheerful tone, "I'm starved, been training almost all day every day, I'm enjoying it here. And if it is an appetizer you want, I think I'll start with four bowls, the move onto the main course." He let out a little chuckle as he turned and started walking with Koonta. His mind traced back to the book he had brought with him, before he went to bed the night before, he read further ahead in the book, which almost broke his mind.

From what Asura was told, the book was written before his father was born, and it was published just before his grandfather had passed over to the other world. The part he read the night before talked about Manipura, it talked about his appearance. -- Manipura looks much like his son, yet with a taller and bulkier frame and with much longer hair with a wild look. He has intricate markings of red symbols on his body which portrays him as a savage warrior. He wears a pair of silver intricately decorated gauntlets on his arms and his sword is sheathed horizontally behind his waist. He wears baggy white pants with remnants of armour and a torn white sash attached to them. -- Manipura looked a lot like Asura's father, Augus Senju, which is what shocked him. It was even worse as what he had read after, about Anahata, The Man of Heart was his nickname. -- Anahata is a large and broad individual with a bald head, red eyes, bushy eyebrows and a long black beard. He wears the standard uniform beneath a white, long-sleeved haori decorated with a Clan's emblem. The top of his uniform is open enough to expose his hairy chest. He also wears a large set of red prayer beads around his neck and a pair of single-toothed tengu geta. -- Asura liked this one, he reminded him of himself, believing in his heart, this one also didn't look like anyone Asura had met before. It was those two that both made Asura shocked to the core, and happy last night, before his nightmare, again.

Asura laughed lightly as he was asked if he was a Genin, "Currently I am, I was going to be in the Exams but I chose not to, instead, I'm going to work for it. As for not seeing me around... Well, that's down to me living in the outer part of the village with my family, my brother, Cero, owns a book store in the market, I work there with him from time to time." Asura replied softly as they approached the Ramen Shop. He pulled out two seats and ordered two bowls of Ramen with Miso for himself and the boy. While he was waiting for them he looked to Koonta, "So, what are you doing here by yourself? Here to watch the Exams?"

Asura looked at the Genin and gave some Ryo for a few bowls of Ramen to the owner of the shop, "Here, give the kid a few bowls." He smiled and stood up from his chair. "Right, I'll be off for now" He looked to Koonta and then to the owner of the Ramen Shop. Thinking this might not be the last time he and Koonta meet, especially if they were to meet in Konoha.

Asura gave Koonta a bow, "Sadly, I must go now, it looks like it is going to rain again, and I don't want my tent to get wet, I'll catch you some other time." Asura yawned and started walking, leaving marks in the dirt as others watched him simply walk through the village, stepping on the stones or kicking them to the side without a thought as the giant of a man made his way past cafe and shop alike. Before he finally stopped at a special shop, he made his way in there and requested that he has his hair dyed a specific colour, he gave them the colour which was Smokey Grey. Around half an hour later he walked out of the shop with a new hair style. It seemed to fit his outfit well. Or atleast, he thought it did. By this point it had started to rain a little, the water started to fall slowly from the sky. Asura looked up to the sky, gazing into the cloudly sky, a single rain drop falling on his forehead.

He turned around and waved to Koonta as he ran off, running through the street and past the cafe, his backpack bouncing against his back. Asura ran out of the village, making his way to the river he normally camped next to. Once he had arrived he desperately looked for a cave of some sort, luckily he spotted the perfect place to put his tent up and keep it dry. He put his tent up in the dry place, still with a view of the river before Asura sat down next to the river, closing his eyes and crossing his legs, going into meditation. Going deep into his min to find his foe, the enemy of his sanity, Vritra. Asura feared this creature's motives, Vritra always wanted to take control of Asura's mind and nothing else, all the beast wanted was Chaos, there is no less he would settle for. Asura feared that if Vritra were to take his mind over, Asura would lose his humanity, Vritra would kill, or at least try. He feared breaking the vow to his family, feared hurting them if Vritra were to ever have control.

Word Count: 965
Total Count: 2,006


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