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Having to flee the village, Rinshi had long been incognito for the past 4 months, after the incident on his date with Chisaki. Trouble had a knack for finding him, especially at the worst of times.  Which maybe is what caused Chisaki to walk away that night.  Come to think of it he never heard from her after that night, she was a tough woman but maybe he wasn't her type.  For him to go back into the public, Rinshi got rid of the black rinse in his hair returning it to its snowy white state.  The length of his hair grew past his ears, roughly to his neck and haircut was his least of worries.  Rinshi needed to get back into the ninja world, becoming clan leader was no longer a priority.  Doing the best for his village was, meaning he would soon need to begin taking missions.  Applying for a squad was ultimately denied, Kizai went off again and never returned.  Rinshi came to the conclusion, nobody likes to be around him and he would have to accept.  He was now gradually becoming the loner type he once was as a young teenager.

The time had to be about high noon the Summer sun was bright and warm.  Usually Rinshi would be in his room studying, but decided against that.  Now he usually wanders on aimlessly through the village streets.  Today his goal would be to take any missions the village could provide him.  If he was in luck there would be something of interest awaiting for him.


Last edited by Rinshi on Wed May 28, 2014 12:30 pm; edited 2 times in total



Arriving to the entrance of the assignment office, he waited for his turn in the waiting room.  Rinshi took a seat and pulled out his white book from his coat pocket.  This book was made from his custom made shields.  After about ten minutes the door swung open, and Rinshi looked up.  The figure entering the room was a woman, skin as pale as a  dead mans.  Rinshi wondered if maybe it was because she never exited her home to receive the suns light.  It would be rude to approach her, and rude to continue observing her.  Rinshi continued to wait patiently, the most agonizing task he'd ever been faced with.

Twenty minutes passed before his name was called, though he was relieved he was pissed off with the waiting.  Rinshi approached the front desk as the receptionist addressed him.  "Rinshi I see that you have not performed any Village tasks for the past 4 months.  Thus as a result you do not get first pick assignments, and are on the waiting list."  Rinshi could not believe his ears, he of all people was on a waiting list.  Though there was a strong validation of him being inactive, he could not argue and say it was because he fled the country.  Which would result in him being arrested, so kept that info to himself.  "I understand Miss, thank you."  The woman handed him a sheet of paper, containing the details of his next mission.  Rinshi took the paper and left the office.

Reading over the letter he was being sent off to Kumogakure, in the Lightning Country.  It had been two years since he'd last visited Kumo, he knew one man there by the name of Sanosuke Flynt.  Rumors spread that he was named the new Raikage.  Rinshi would have to see this for himself.  It had been so long, what if he had forgotten who he was.

Rinshi made his way to the lightning country, and to the home of Sanosuke Flynt.  Rinshi couldn't help but wonder though, Why am I being sent to Kumo...  The answer would be clear to him in due time.


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