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1Selilè Empty Selilè Thu Feb 06, 2014 4:02 pm



Symbol: Selilè Imperial_skull_black

Clan: Selilè

Kekkei Genkai: Cellular Necrosis

Elements: Any

Specialization: Medical Ninjutsu

Location: Takigakure (Scattered)

Clan History:200 years ago In the hidden waterfall village there was a group of kids that were entered for medical testing, and through this testing, of which ten kids were taken, 5 female and 5 male, only 3 of each survived but these kids grew up and started to populate there clan though the village they are from is very small, so they only keep around 20 members at maximum for they had a very small clan bulding behind the waterfall of the village.

Present day this clan stays at its twenty members, though they are not a malicious clan and like to mostly at as the doctors of the village, the experiments that were done on the original clan members proceed down to their kids, and all of the kids are taught to control they special chakra at a young age, though the training is actually used as to make sure the kids know how not to use the chakra that was bestowed on them during the experiments.

Kekkei Genkai Description: Members of this clan are born with the ability to control and use Necrotic charka, the charka appears black if someone can see chakra and the jutsus that are done with this chakra are also black.
Though any medical ninja could use Medical ninjutsu to make the body go into a state of Necrosis, the difference between them and this clan, is that this clans jutsus effect the targets on a cellular level killing cell by cell.
As thus all of the Necrosis based ninjutsu done by members of this clan are not easily healed due t cellular damage so it takes a one rank higher medical ninjutsu to heal the wounds caused by it.
Drawbacks: Members of this clan are not able to use taijutsu and must take frail and not equal it out with a positive due to their small bodies.
Members of this clan get -1 strength
Not really a Drawback but members of this clan are not able to be any taller then 6ft and even 6ft is tall for a member of this clan.


Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:


2Selilè Empty Re: Selilè Fri Feb 07, 2014 1:17 am



If I'm not mistaken, there are already medical jutsu that induce necrosis on the site, making this largely redundant as a kekkei genkai. All necrosis kills cells. Is there anything aside from black chakra that actually separates members of this clan from normal med users?

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