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A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination.

Waking up on a dreary day such as this one, you would think there was nothing unexpected coming. This was the opinion anyway of the waking Chisaki. Opening her eyes and listening to the silence of her home, she sighed ever so slightly. It was lonely sometimes, living alone, which was why Chisaki was out so much. Standing up, she padded over the cold floor to the mirror to check her reflection. Nothing out of the ordinary, same morning bed-head, same kind expression, normality. Chisaki got dressed in her usual attire, minus the boots which were of course by the door downstairs. Speaking of downstairs, Chisaki headed there now. She yawned slightly as she headed to the door, opting to eat later. Pulling on her boots, she headed out into a breezy morning. The air was cold, but in a refreshing way, and it was not very cloudy either. Chisaki turned around the corner to see an odd sight. An owl was sat in a nearby tree, in plain sight. This gave Chisaki pause. A owl?... She tentatively approached the owl, who flew away the second she moved. She quickly dismissed it from her mind, perhaps she was still not fully awake?

Weaving her way through the buildings proved to be an easy thing for Chisaki. Growing up in the Leaf had allowed her to memorize exactly were every turn was in order to get out of the village. She waved at the guards on duty as she headed out of the gate, and into the forests around the village. Today, Chisaki intended to take a calming walk through the forests... Since the war, rest had been a thing Chisaki had found in ever shortening amounts. Heading through the trees eased the tension she had been feeling, her usual smile creeping back up onto her face. Nature was her element, as was evident by her clan's lineage. The smells and the sights all served to ease the knot of tension in Chisaki's stomach. Her smile grew, and the features of her faced morphed back into her usual kind and easy going features. A small hill presented itself before Chisaki, something she smiled at even more. She headed slowly and lethargically up the hill, to its crest. On top of the hill, there was a great oak tree. Silence enveloped Chisaki as she sat down beneath the great leaf canopy. She could see a fair ways into the distance, seeing the birds rise from the trees and the gentle quiet that the forest provided. Chisaki had found this hill as a child, training in Mokuton. She came in here when she felt her nerves being frayed, or she was severely stressed out. Looking up, her frown deepened. Another owl, this one larger than what you normally saw... It seemed to be staring intently at her, so Chisaki returned its gaze. After a few moments, the owl flapped down beside her, and spoke, much to Chisaki's surprise "You are the one I have been seeking... Chisaki of the Senju" Chisaki blinked slightly, this was turning into a strange day. An owl... Looking for her? This was certainly no ordinary owl to be sure. She spoke, somewhat hesitantly "Um... Yes, I'm Chisaki... But who are you, and why have you been seeking me?" The owl looked at her, his great eyes seemed to be searching her for something... As if, she contained something he wanted, or wanted to help her find. The owl continued to gaze at her, so Chisaki naturally held his gaze, trying to blink in the same fashion as he was. Finally, the owl spoke.

"Yes... Just as I found your parents when they were your age, I have come to find you again to repeat the cycle. Your parents trained with me, so you shall too. I am the Lord of all Owls, Fukurō, and you shall become a Sage" This was all a lot for Chisaki to take in, all at once. The owls tone was one of old wisdom, and his eyes had clearly seen a lot. He claimed he knew her parents, which was an even bigger surprise.... And he claimed that they were both Sages?... Chisaki had hear a lot about the ancient art that was Senjutsu, however she did not know how to practice it.  He claimed to be the Lord of all Owls, which in itself was a big feat, at least she thought.  However, how could she believe him? He was just an owl in the woods so far, she needed conclusive proof! "Well... That is certainly a lot to think about, but can you put proof behind your words?" The owl seemed to smile, but there was no way to really tell...  He had a beak. The owl spread it's great wings, standing. Chisaki stood too, and was shocked to find out how tall he was in comparison to her. He spoke in the same tone as earlier "You are wise to ask for proof, so, I shall show you, child, and then you may choose whether or not you wish to don the title of the Owl Sage." Chisaki nodded, and that seemed to be all the evidence the owl needed. Around the hilltop, a great wind stirred up, it seemed to tug at the two of them, drawing them away. Eventually, Chisaki felt a great tugging feeling in her stomach, and the hilltop around them faded.

It was then that she opened her eyes. The forests of the Hidden leaf village had been replaced with great towering oaks, higher than they should be. All around her, owls could be seen. Perching high in the trees where she thought she saw houses concealed in the foliage. The Owl Lord stood beside her, looking around at the village "This is the home of the owls, and where you shall learn the ancient arts of Senjutsu with me" Chisaki stood in awe of the place. She was really in her element here, the woods around her and nature made her smile, she spoke with a grin on her face "I would be honored to learn Senjutsu from you, Lord Fukuro, when may we begin?" The Owl seemed to get that smile expression, before he spoke "We start tomorrow, right now I am going to show you were you will stay while in the village" The owl walked slowly away, Chisaki following him.


Owl Lord:

Last edited by Chisaki on Tue Feb 25, 2014 1:37 pm; edited 1 time in total



Chisaki continued to follow the Owl Lord, fascinated by all she saw. The trees around her were truly gigantic, especially from up close like this. The owls came in all different shapes and sizes, ages and more. Clearly, they were all aware of the reason for her being here, after all, she was the only human. Chisaki was experienced in nature, from years learning Mokuton in the woods around Konoha. In actual fact, that very tree she had sat at today was were she had trained, so it was ironic to her doing more training of a sort there. The great grey owl that was the Owl Lord turned to her then. Chisaki roused herself from the doldrums of her daydream to look at him. They had arrived at a tree that was more like the kind she was used to. A grand oak tree towered before Chisaki. She could clearly windows and a door inlaid in the tree, it had clearly been built to house a human, this was confirmed when the Owl Lord spoke. "Your mother and father stayed here long before you, and all the other Owl Sages who have gone before you. You are the most recent Sage, so it is yours to use whenever you are here" Chisaki nodded and bowed, mumbling her thanks. He raised a wing, directing her indoors "I shall be here on the morrow, at dawn" he spread his great wings and soared high into the sky.

Chisaki pushed open the door to the tree, and felt the smile spread across her face. Inside, the tree was well furnished. The entire tree was hollow, and a spiral staircase carved of wood looped its way around in the center of the space. Around the first floor, chairs and what she thought was a kitchen could be see around one corner, in the other, chairs with plush cushions could be seen. Chisaki ascended the stairs and looked around. She was in a spacious yet comfortable looking bedroom. Freshly changed sheets covered the four poster bed that sat against the right hand wall. A door led of too what she assumed was the toilet and a great oaken double door with an owl face carved into it led to a balcony. Chisaki went up the stairs a final time, to be greeted by a library. Books and tomes of all kind lined the walls. Scrolls were indented in little hole around the room, and a desk with a comfortable looking chair could be seen. Chisaki looked out of one of the windows she had seen from outside, the sun was setting outside. However, before she left the room she saw something. A space on the wall was completely clear, except for a giant piece of paper covering it, aged slightly. Names doted the paper, and two of them she recognized as her parents. Smiling, Chisaki wrote her name onto the paper too, right next to her parents. She headed downstairs and fell onto the bed. Today had been hectic, and she had learned so much already, and she was ready for much more. With her willpower, anything was possible right?

- The next day, dawn -

Chisaki was outside and raring to go. She had slept wonderfully, with the sounds of nature all around her. Everything was a lot calmer here than it was back home, and she had slept like a baby bird. The Owl Lord arrived just as she closed the door to her second home, she turned and bowed to him "Good morning" He inclined his head in acknowledgement before turning to walk and saying "Come, we have much to talk about today my student." Chisaki smiled with a determined nod, which he seemed to approve off. They walked through the woods, everything still very tranquil. Owls went about their daily business, which of course was fascinating to the one human in those woods. They were walking down a path, trodden into the ground from years of use. Chisaki saw a break in the trees ahead of them, which they were heading towards. Eventually, they passed through and the sunlight shown down on them. The clearing was more of a meadow in actually fact. Everything here was calm, from the flowers on the ground to the river that slowly meandered its way through the place. Everything seemed at one with itself in this clearing. The Owl Lord led her onto to a spot with two rocks, one of which she was indicated to sit on, she did so. The Owl Lord looked at her, and spoke "This place is known as the Meadow of Clarity, and it is here the Sages before you have trained in the ways of Senjutsu. Nature is truly in sync with itself here, and it is why you shall train here." Chisaki nodded, slightly confused. However, she could sense the in bound explanation, she opened both her ears and her mind and listened, carefully. "Senjutsu is unlike any jutsu your will have used before. It is because of this, that few learn to practice its ways. It involves a third type of chakra after all. Typically, living creatures have two forms of chakra. However, nature chakra is a combination of both spiritual and physical chakra, and as I said it is known quite simply as nature chakra. Here, you shall learn to absorb this chakra into you from the area around you, from the living things such as the grass at my feet and the wind that shakes my feathers." He paused, eyeing Chisaki. The girl was sat upon the rock, carefully listening to his words and taking it all in. Her mother and father had spoken of a third chakra, but never in much detail, maybe their story was believable now. The Owl Lord nodded slightly before speaking again. "However, training with Senjutsu has many risks. Cast your eyes to the trees, young one" Chisaki looked up, and gasped. All round her in the trees on wooden platforms sat the statues of owls, all casting their stony gaze to her. "Those are the students of mine who failed to understand the dangers of nature chakra, they were not wise, will you become a statue, Chisaki of the Senju?" She shook her head. She was going to do this, one way or another. Impressed by her determination, the Owl Lord nodded and looked at her again, speaking in the wise tone he always had "Good, now listen my student. You will be required to balance your physical and spiritual energy with the natural energy you gather from nature. Trust in yourself, and I know you will be able to accomplish it. Now, follow me to the river" Chisaki got up off the rock and heeded him. At the center of the river, there was a small grassy slope, that was not wet yet excatly in the middle of the river. Chisaki crossed to it as the Owl lord directed her, and sat down, cross-legged. She removed her white coat as well, for an added measure. The Owl Lord spoke again. "Absorbing nature chakra and combing it with your existing chakra is no easy task. Which is why you shall train here, where there is natural chakra in abundance. Now, close your eyes and absorb the chakra!" Chisaki did so, and began to try and channel the energy. It was like wading through honey. Eventually, she managed to get it to work slightly, before she opened her eyes and gasped. All along her arms, black feathers were sprouting. It was then that she felt a sharp pain from behind, and the feathers all vanished. She turned, to see the Owl Lord standing there, a rod clasped between his feet. "This staff knocks all nature chakra out of you, and reverts the transformation, attaining senjutsu will be no easy task, but are you ready, I wonder?" Chisaki nodded, and spoke "I will master senjutsu, master, I can promise you and everyone that!" Chisaki's eyes snapped shut, and she tried again once more.


Tree house:

Meadow of Clarity:

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